<August 16, 2003>
Some old friends.
Never would have thought this title would produce a sunny scene, eh? I'm just happy I FINISHED SOMETHING lately. BLEH. My muse coughed, this was spat out. Fortunately this means it isn't completely dead, it just needs recessutation. Ugh. Photoshop.
Recent commission. I was aiming for a little bit of that Jimi Hendrix-style psychedelia, without going all 70's kitsch. I don't mind kitsch, but I'm worthless at working it into art.
The trains in Anserona are usually crowded; there's probably two more people on this seat that don't show up in the picture. Asander, the fellow who's just trying to read, has had the misfortune of ending up next to a young carosen girl. The carosen have no concept of personal space, and no sensor when it comes to sharing personal information. It's going to be a long ride. I'm not going to finish this sketch until I do penance for not doing perspective with a ruler.
Trying an anthro species that isn't done very often. I dunno if the surfboard is correct. There isn't a lot of surfing here in Michigan.
A revamp of Hatchet's priest clothes (or shaman clothes, whatever you want to call it).
<August 16, 2003>