<July 26, 2003>
Grunge jealously gaurds her bone. A reflection of how I am. A bitter, jealous person. But that's ok, because I have burritos.
A section for a cover art pitch for a fake MP3 player product. It's a slight parody of the RCA dog from my pencil sketch. I lost track of the hours. That, and I now officially have my driver's license. Be afraid.
Evil kitten, based on my own kitten, Dante. It'd make a good sticker, I think. Except he could say vulgar things instead of "nyao." The asymmetry bugs me...maybe I'll fix it eventually. Illustrator.
I was talked into doing a strip for the summer semester of the college paper. On one hand, I didn't get paid (if I'd been paid, I'd have made around 150). On the other hand, I did learn a lot about deadlines and why you shouldn't procrastinate. Also, humor is hard to come up with all the time. In this strip, Jackal combats an evil prairie dog who tries to ruin his tan.
Dravalen vs. Keyon
It was late, I need to turn out a heckuva lot of art for a show in a week, and somehow, a Wombat Tarot seemed like a great idea. This is actually done on matboard, largely because I grabbed the wrong piece of scrap, but it made a niftily textured, if very slow to dry, surface.
Over 4 years here and I never uploaded a personal image, so here it is, along with my husband and daughter, Kimberly Arwen, whom I got to hold for all of five minutes on July 18th when she was born. She will be going in for her second and hopefully final surgery on the 28th and maybe a month following I get to take her home.
Most modern fantasy artists don't put wings on their hippocamps. In reality, back in the day a lot of hippocamps were winged... especially the ones that decorated ships.
<July 26, 2003>