<June 19, 2003>
A silly gift art pic for Synnabar, because she's a wonderful friend, too sweet for words, and her art rocks my world! :D She's always pictured with such a perfect, flowing, ethereal mane, but I wondered if it still looks that way whenever she wakes up, so I drew her with "morning mane"...and yet she still looks spiffy! XD
For Shade/Trading Post.
Satan Kitty.
It's a wolf...yup, that's what it is. Colored pencil, marker, ink and acyrlics on illustration board
Au revoir cher coq, dit le Renard
please keep in mind i was on a myriad of allergy medication when i scribbled this.. but tada!!! wyllow's hair has changed and stuff. yeah. summer's here isn't it?
Another Trading post pic.
Commission of a Houdini-esque magician/escape artist lynx suspended in a Chinese water torture chamber. The composition was suggested by the client.
Another Aceops and Balnamris pic. It shows the prince's protection for his lady.
Ahh! Breaking Taboo! ;) I promised I would never upload a picture of myself, bu~uut... Darkstripes and I just had our one-year anniversary monday, and he does look awefully cute with his glasses and all, so... I give in. Now excuse me while I go hide my head in embarrassment! - Photo credits go to Tibek who stole my camera!
testing out my new watercolors i bought today, so i decided to make swandog my test subject! yay swandog!
Mood icons from 2002, cute huh?
"No, seriously, I'm telling you, I fleshcrafted a pig that could fly." "Uh huh..." "Really!" "Right."
A frame from the opening sequence of my film, "Kaze: Ghost Warrior," scheduled for release, winter 2003. Neat stuff, including 1024x768 "Wallpapers," can be found at:
A frame from the opening sequence of my film, "Kaze: Ghost Warrior," scheduled for release, winter 2003. Neat stuff, including 1024x768 "Wallpapers," can be found at:
A Cape Buffalo Inyanga - or, if you please, a witch doctor - interprets a casting of the bones to determine the cause of an illness, for the benefit of his visitors. Concept drawing for an Akoma-based Ironclaw RPG campaign. [Ironclaw is © Sanguine Productions, Ltd.] (17 Jun 2003)
<June 19, 2003>