<May 30, 2003>
A fire dragon, spewing lava. This was done as a companion piece to the water dragon I did earlier, and I may do a couple of more. A sky dragon and an earth dragon. Elements, get it?
Okay, I've been holding back my art for a while, but I finally decided to update. Here's Lyosha in all her colorful gloriness.
I *finally* got enough sit down time to finish this up. I call it "A dragon with a handful of pixie stix is indeed, a terrifying sight to behold." Ly'szeth is intellectual property of her creator.
Zero from the Vagrant RP. Zero is intellectual property of her creator.
Resident and protector of sandstone canyons. Yet another background I'm not very pleased with.
Ed gives me the coolest characters to draw
An oil painting of Xe Twap too :) Both characters are Gloria Higginbottom's of course
A second study of Erma, this time in an EDF uniform. Not sure if the white on her muzzle and neck are correct, but many pictures of her from the color comics either have a faded white there or none at all. Erma copyright Steve Gallacci. Art Shawntae Howard.
a lockjaw wanders accross a lonely beach. another painter doodle.
unnamed character of mine that my cousin let me make up from her species creation. PearlBloods are © to my awesome cousin Whiteny Gregoire, go see her stuff on deviantart at
I suppose the past haunts us until we see what it wants us to see.
Desconocido, Lynx Thaumaturge - a paper model design based on an illustration by Jason Holmgren from the "Dramatis Personae" NPC sidebars in the Ironclaw book. (Ironclaw © Sanguine Productions, Ltd.) I have a whole font of these paper models at as "Ironclaw Stand-Ups #5."
Sexy bastet.
I did this while I was bored during a biology lecture.
<May 30, 2003>