<April 7, 2003>
An older tech piece from the pages of Zaibatsu Tears, heavily influenced by the work of Masamune Shirow. Ink and computer lettering
Goldenwolf is doing a companion to this pic. They will be framed together, and hopefully, be for sale at AnthroCon.
Whoa, kid! You're way off.
The internal workings of an Andorozon, which is an synthetic biomechanical being. Created by Ken Singshow,this one is of Rokki. Thanks goes out to Karabiner for his technical work on this design. Just some sketch work for a panel in my next comic.
Sadly, this was done in a hair salon. They had a 30-45 min. wait just for a plain ol' haircut even, and so all I could do was plop myself on a bench and... well, wait. Thankfully I usually have a sketchpad in the car though, and this was a random product of my impatience and boredom. I guess it's some were-wolf dude. Not sure. It was an excuse for me to draw a shirtless guy :) [image © 2003 by Jen Seng] -- [Mar. 31, 2003]
I'm sick with an ugly head/sinus cold again, and have quarantined myself in my bedroom. And when I'm sick, I can't draw. So my subconcious draws for me. This is what it came up with during a quiet hour last night: A dragon being terrorized by spherical ducks. [image © 2003 by Jen Seng] -- [Apr. 6, 2003]
<April 7, 2003>