<March 19, 2003>
I got my watercolors back out! I forgot how much I missed using them... First thing i've drawn in my big sketchbook in about a week... I went over this with markers and whiteout and colored pencils, and ballpoint pen, after the majority of the watercolors were laid down... Not a whole lot to say about the subject matter --- it was all spontaneous... © Allison Reed/javachickn 2003.
Sketch for a larger piece I was going to do, although i'm not going to, now... The idea behind this, is that one will never know the unexpected turns that the future will bring... and it's tied in with my dog recently going blind... ©Allison Reed/javachickn 2003.
a little doodle inspired by some RPing with Atmcdragon :). Rax (© atmcdragon) and yahndrall (© to me).
my part of a trade with the amazing Cassandra Gibbs! this be her awesome WhiteRex - i haven't done dinos in soooo long. i hope this somewhat resembles your Rex char Cassandra! :D
"Cosmic Drifters" Old art(1999) recently scanned. I sold the original for way too little money before I went online or scanned things. Novawolf scanned the slide for me so the colors are a bit off but it sthe best I could do and the milky way shows up nice. Anyway, Lassen inspired, prismas on black canson.
Happy birthday, Lonnie! A little less fubar, but still odd-- it's Dalia high-stepping to the local sushi place! Mmmm.
<March 19, 2003>