<January 3, 2003>
A little gryphon stalking through the woods at night. Yay, another gryphon! This one has a background though! :P
And a closeup, because I like his little feets.
My friend Drakenhart gave me this cool, toned paper at Anthrocon and I had been meaning to use it for the longest time! So, I decided to do something different for my friends this Christmas and draw their characters with a more realistic flair. For my first attempt, I don't think it came out too bad. This first one is a lynx named Asair, the avatar and property of my friend Kerry Binkley. I'm really happy with the eyes... It's a just a shame a lot of the detail got lost in the scan. Prismacolor colored pencil and white acrylic ink on toned paper. Asair © Kerry Binkley, 2003.
I am so happy with this picture. Even though I know it has some anatomy errors and other things that could be better, I think it's one the best coloring jobs I've done yet. Particularly the textures and the fur. I like it!
It's a fox on a rock. 10x8 colored pencil.
This is probably the best and most fun commission I've had in a long time. John Orbach as Galvatron facing off with me as Ultra Magnus. This took about two months to research and finish. John requested a mix between the animated and toy versions of the characters, and about 40-odd emails were exchanged to figure out how exactly they were going to look, but well worth the effort. Thanks John, I owe you one.
A furry version of BBI's Shadow.
Arlecchino and a li'l bit o' heaven. Oh what rapture.
Merry Christmas gift for Lonners (Dalia), of her very favorite Cookie Monster! ;) [Caerrick © 2002 by Jeff Rogers/Lonnie Dinello] -- [Dec. 2002]
This piece is about six months old--I did it for a tutorial in the book "Digital Fantasy Painting" and, since evidentally that's hit print, I figured I'd post the jpg now. It was done in a dreadful hurry, and there are parts I'm not real thrilled with, but his overall design still strikes me as kinda nifty.
I finally decided to update my photograph of myself. LOL! I look like such a dork in this picture.
<January 3, 2003>