<December 14, 2002>
I made a really goofy mistake on this one, and didn't realize it until halfway though; only male Vermillion Flycatchers are red! The females are much more drab. Oops! But the red coloration looked nice on the female form... so I left it be. Really struggling, and experimenting, with anatomy here...
PacRat & Grunge. Late night doodle I inked and colored.
Buteo Lupines for the Mates portfolio. I am certain I damaged my brain on this one.
Random act of cuteness...
i'm back!!! for a very short time at least. first thing i drew when i arrived to start my first college year, stuck it up above my desk but it ripped when i tried to take it down so i taped it all up...heheh, ok that's enough of that.
"i have nothing to say, but it feels like my mouth is open, everything that is real comes around..." the words on top got cut off, some random thingy drawn to some lyrics of el nino i think.
gift art for wingedsiamese, cuz'er work is MADcrazy!! :D
and so the pure are stained by sin... more mindless doodling from concept class.
a strange encounter underneath the city streets with a feared legend. he looks hungry...
<December 14, 2002>