<November 12, 2002>
Rusty the Red Fox says hi.
Loosely inspired by an IRC-based roleplaying game, here's my rendition of one of the game's biggest villain, Quetzalcoatl.
Something I've owed Dusty for a while. Contribution to his Live Journal icon collection. Dusty Fox © Bill Martin, 2002.
Sorry I haven't uploaded lately. Can't sleep, school will eat me!Been trying to finish up my all my commissions and art trades. Here's a preview! A thank you to the lovely Jason for abuse of his FTP space. You rock! Feren (the non-pink panther) © Jason Olsen, 2002.
Work in progress. They will be sitting on a couch. This is just a clean up of the characters. Just Scotty and Erin being their adoriable selves, just like in real life! Scotty Fox © Scotty Talley, 2002 and Erin fox © Erin Middendorf, 2002.
<November 12, 2002>