<October 28, 2002>
Since it's been a few years, I decided to update my "portrait" photo. Here I am along with 3,000 folks listening to Ralph Nader tell it like it is. You can always spot me at a demo- I'm the only one there in a suit...
It's my Birthday gift to me...I'm so happy! Taking a paycheck to the art store, Mmmm, *Drools*
Unlike most young pre-teens who fell in love with Jack on the Titanic, or JTT- I was an anomaly. My first crush was on John Hancock, king of smugglers. Yeah, that founding father was such a cutie... A heh.
I apologize in advance for the backgroundless pictures to follow, but I liked how they turned out- plus, they're good pose practices. Fun!
Another pose commission for Kahateni, an' she's runnin'. Fwee!
<October 28, 2002>