<September 3, 2002>
Glig! I made this picture several months back to see if after 2 years of neglect I could still operate a coloured pencil. In spite of all randomly winged things-- this one's for you, Ursula. ;D
Every Yerf archive must have a gryphon. I was feeling left out, so here's a Gryphon for ya. So he's not exactly regal...
A drawing of Higgins, a gold dragon with a black mane. Brush inked with Higgins Black Magic, color by Prismacolor markers with a little tweaking with Prismacolor pencils. Higgins is copyright Higgins Dragon.
Icarus, standing on Avalon (my own comcept of it of course XP)uh, not much to say really, wanted to do some more graceful looking gloves that were like freddy kreugers (sp?) X3 and Oni inspired me, yup ::credit:: i need to work on BG's more, that city is sort of a cop-out c.c yah those are floaty things of land, and a temple on the top. i like em @.o I'm fairly pleased with this, of course you always see the things you should have done/fixed when you're finished, but i'm too lazy to go back and do 'em ^_^
Anthro version of the Fly Dice,.. Fly. Hmm.. clothing on a giant black flying squirrel is tricky.. wind blows the wrong way and there'll be a lot of bad jokes about checking your fly.
Another web logo that I have done.
<September 3, 2002>