<August 25, 2002>
my floofburd looked so grumpy earlier that she was cute. i had to scribble her as she sat on my knee, the old grump! she's nearly 20 this year. here's to all those wonderful grumpy cockatiels in our lives ;}
Aww.. It's love at first sight :D
A stripeless zebra and a jackel dog of some kind.
Taking a suggestion from Lonnie while playing with flat color in photoshop. Two lady 'yotes admist strange blue cacti. this one made me think of McMoo...
"You want me to eat WHAT now???" Chapter 3 from "The Trials and Tribulations of Interspecies Dating" by Dalia Ironhoof. I attempted to be more experimental with my colors in this piece. Upon retrospect, a purple would have been a more likely choice for the shading of the pony's shirt.
Last minute picture, if there is a mistake I'm not fixing it!
OH, me Japanese! ^_^
'Kay, this is one trend I can't pass up. ;) "Sleep well, my true love", the first rendering of any of my Pronambi characters in a year or maybe more. And yes, both are female. Coragule's hand needs some work, but I like the mood.
There was this running joke for awhile, while I was doing a lot of barbarian-bimbo art, that the Nat'l Organization of Women was gonna put a hit on me for having betrayed my feminist ideals. Speculation on the nature of the N.O.W. assassins, and a great couple I worked with, who were a lot like these two, (sans furry) gave rise to that intrepid commando couple, Katya & Earthmother.
Kissy face, kissy face! ;)
<August 25, 2002>