<July 31, 2002>
I wish it were winter
Xianjaguar's "xianjaguart7.jpg" inspired me to post one of my own tiki drawings. Hula toad doodle in markers and colored pencils. Pass the poi!
"Gentle" 3" x 4" Mixed media on Bristol stock. This is Gentle Wolfox, of Wolfox radio. He's an OK Dude, a little strange, and can eat dinner mexican food and not get sick. Amazing...
"MFM Dance Party 2002," 8.5" x 11" PhotoShop 6.0. My submission for the MFM t-shirt contest, Its ok not my best but not bad for a last minute deal. There are better looking submissions I hope win over this one. *Grin*
A fox in box that's made with wox... er, wax-resist. And he hasn't any sox.
Commission piece I did back in Jan. of 2001. A little TOO dark, I know. But, the original still looks pretty good. ;)
Just trying out some different poses with 2 of my characters, and figured my wife's character would fit in well there. I'm especially happy with how the semi-transparency of Saphira's wing came through where LadyKam's wing comes up behind it. :)
LOOOONG story behind this one. :P My wife did a sketch of this character for me a few months back, which I still have up on my wall at work. ;) I decided I'd give 'er a try myself, and this is what came out. :)
The original for this was done on blue-lined office notebook paper, believe it or not. :P MAN, I love Photoshop. ;)
Color version of the winged tigress. She is not a lady who wants to be toyed with. Can ya tell?? ;)
One good reason to secure your food when you camp. Acrylics and ink.
Hyacinth macawfrogs! Acrylic, 16 x 20 on this nifty canva-paper stuff. I think the part I like the best is the light-scattering bits on the foliage.
A jaguar, stalking. I started this a very, very long time ago...a year and change (February '01, I think). It's done completely in Photoshop, and I worked on it heavily for a couple of months early last year. Then it ended up on the backburner somehow, and since then, it'd get pulled out every couple of months, worked on, and then shelved again for later. I'm sure there's more I could do with it, but... it's to the point where I've decided it's just DONE, and that's that. (Now perhaps I can move along to worrying if I'll ever finish something more recent. :))
The only thing I've done since getting back from Mexico... a sneak preview of an upcoming Untitled! comic. Ciaran driving around in his car... how exciting.
See, Mac really really likes Kathy, so he was definately willing to pose in this picture with her! :) Here is just a goofy-yet-kinda-kinky pic of Mac and Kathy :) It's not supposed to be sexual, just a pic of them together :) I think they are really cute together, but they would probably be better friends then lovers :) I really like Mac's shiney magenta pants! :D And his messy hairstyle, too :) The background was done with watercolour paints, yup yup! Anyhoo, Mac here is © to Jess Ratte, aka me, while Kathy is © to Steph Ratte :)
This here is a drawing I did which I'm re-selling up at Furbid! This is part one of a set of pictures which are being sold together :) It's an Irish Farming Fur Femme on a farm, carrying a basket of eggs across a farming village :) I like this one a lot, but the inking is messed up, ugh.. For more details on the pic, check out ! This pic and character are both © to Jess Ratte, aka me :)
This here is the second part of the auction, this one featuring a cow femme on a farm, too! :D I think this one is cute, but no where near as good as the Irish girl :) I still like this, tho.. I HATE those...things in the background.. Especially the milk-thing (still have no idea what those are...) It just looks DUMB. But I like the character, she's cool :) Anyhoo, for more info on this auction, check out ! The cow girl and picture are both © to Jess Ratte, aka me :)
Is he furry? Well, he's fuzzy, but I dunno, LOL :) Anyhoo, this here is a picture I did for my grade OAC art class a while ago for the portfolio assignment, this is a random arachnidmorph crawling his way across a cruddy drawn log :) I love this pic, but my teacher never gave it back...Me loves spiders, they're so pretty :) I like the colours, except on his abdomen.. it's all..squiggly.. ugh.. Anyhoo, this random spidermorph here is © to me, Jess Ratte :)
It'ssssss RYERSON! He loves playing the fiddle and wearing plaid! :D Hee hee, he's my newest character, and I really love him :) This here is to make up for the REALLY crappy first pic of him I drew... I love this one, he's cuttte :D I dig his sense of style! :D Anyhoo, Ryerson here is © to Jess Ratte, aka me :)
My final picture in the elemental furs series. Nature mage otter.
<July 31, 2002>