<June 14, 2002>
When you just have too much dried gouache left over on your plastic sour cream lid... :D
I've finally got all my commissions done and decided to do a little project for my self: Michelle, Stephanie, and I walking around my crummy rendition of our college campus! Whoo hoo!
I'm new to colouring like this with Photoshop. Er, normally I go with something cartoony but I've been working on some fantasy characters and wanted to try out something different. A dragony soldier thing...and a very scared supposed 'dragon slayer'. Characters and artwork are © Abigail Ryder 2002.
An older piece that I recently drug out and finished. No idea why. No idea why I'm posting it, despite it being obviously dated and having some insufferable flaws... there's something about it I've always liked. Maybe it's just that I don't want to do injustice to the anger that originally spawned it by burying it somewhere. Eh, I dunno. Reno © SquareSoft, art © me.
Rufus ShinRa as a grey fox, as per request from his player. I'm thrilled with how the shading came out on this one, as well as the overall tone- s'been a while since I pulled off a full-page picture. Whee. Rufus and Dark Nation © SquareSoft, art © me.
Cat dancer that was done with markers and a pen.
In oregan now and this is something I did while on the move which I only had a red pencil and a pen to work with.
a doodle i did while some files were loading - load! load! load!!!! and i don't know why my marker pictures suddenly faded. that's really weird. help?
A blue pencil sketch of Anubis, which is unfinished. I don't know if it will ever go any farther than this, I'm afraid of getting the other arm in their properly, seeing as the right arm took me well over an hour and still didn't turn out exactly as I wanted it.
"Across the Koyukuk," (18"x10", Oil on Canvas). Inspired by the trip my dogs and I shared through Alaska's Brooks Range. Left to right, the dogs are, Peter Pan, Mojo, Kemu, Rascal, Wolfie and Strawberry. There'll be a short story on my website recounting the experience, for anyone wanting to know what mushing 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle was like -- it was an experience I shall never forget. ("Art is Life. If you don't life it, it won't come out of your horn." -- Winton Marcellus)
Re-upload at a higher res, as per Devon's request. Enjoy.
New logo for my website.
Buff raccoon.
<June 14, 2002>