<June 11, 2002>
This is a drawing that I did a while ago when I was taking art trades and requests (which I AM NOT doing anymore). The name's Skittles and, as I recall, the character belongs to Melanie "Toona" Carreira.
For Reno 'Scythe Kitten' Maxwell, her characters Randy and Reno. Sillyness coloured with markers! Artwork © Abigail Ryder 2002, characters © Scythe Kitten 2002.
escape from your parade.
flying green thing being mobbed by two bird things. ack, these files are too small, and i can't seem to undo some of the stuff that i did to them. rrr!!! lessons for next time, that's for sure!
*mew* :) the beasty hellkitty is © ravyn rynn!!!
*mew* :) the beasty hellkitty is © ravyn rynn!!!
i LIKE bright colors!
3 lockjaw kits frollik in the sunset under the watchful eyes of their parents. now those were the days *sigh*
Tired and inspired. Mostly Painter + Photoshop.
Aubrey poses. Angry Raccoon Studios -
I was kinda regreting making Myeko a lynx instead of a winged species... so I improvised and made him a winged lynx.
<June 11, 2002>