<June 9, 2002>
"Chomping at the Bit" New name, same insane horsie.
This goes out to those two fangirls Amy and Cara. They make me laugh. :-) Copic inks, photoshop colors. Scott A. H. Ruggels 6 2001
An attempt at illustration, such as you might see in an old nature book. Two young coyotes harassing a rather large bobcat- which is probably going to result in a scratched nose pretty soon. There are some problems- the coyote on the left is probably not leaning forward enough, but in my mind she is about to twist, turn, and land on her feet. But maybe only in my mind. /\_/\ I hope the rest of this picture works. F, H, and 2B Pencil on paper.
They say ravens love cheese....
Thanks to Joshua the Samuri, there will be an Extinctioners Soundtrack availble in limited numbers for AC this year. I'm hoping to make it a music/art cd (if I can figure out the technology of the CD burning software I have to make a split cd)At anyrate, this is the cover of the mini booklet I'm making for it that will feature art of each character who gets their own song and bio info on them. (BTW, I'll be gone from home for a week this posts so please hold e-mails and old e-mails, I'll get back with you when I get home). Extinctioners copyright S.Howard 2002
Commission for John Snell of his two bat characters, Stoker Bramwell and Nyx. Stoker turned out kinda dorky-looking (the one on the left), but I like how Nyx looks. No excuse to poke me now, John! HA!
Damn those explosive pinecones. When will they ever learn? Gift fer wolfmoonie...
Last art trade now finished! Wooooop! Zidane in coloured pencil & tria.
<June 9, 2002>