<May 31, 2002>
*waves to everyone* Hi- I'm still here, I was just gone awhile because of CF and then a computer crash that deleted some files and had me offline for 2 weeks! I'm getting caught up, and getting some art done again. Here's something I had been wanting to try- an anthro version of our cat, Pooka. Also known as Spooka. Marker on Bristol Board. PS- I am about to send out the T-shirts from CF! Sorry about the delay....:(
Part I of my 4th comic for a school paper.. it was a two pager this time. =p Too many hours spent in the computer labs...
And here's Part II.. As for the second half of this one, I've been having some troubles with getting into the art major. I was just going to leave it out (eh, I worry the art faculty will get offended.. then there goes my appeal) but layout was already finalized. Bah. Oh btw, that's a sketch by Da Vinci.. I don't quite remember the name.
Sir Giles of Redfeather! :D No, just Giles will do for now.. He's a griff from a collaborative project. And yeah, males don't have wings.. Color version mayhaps in the future. And on a side note.. NO MORE SCHOOL! WHEEE! And now.. I find a job and finish commissions..
"A King's Remembrance," (8"x10", Oil on canvas) A portrait of my P-D-3.14, from a sketch from last fall.
"Wolf Nation: Teacher" (24"x18", Oil on canvas) A white wolf lays amid a field of Labrador Tea on an Alaskan summer day. She has much to teach, those who have the strength to listen.
"Wolf Nation: Watcher" (12"x16", Oil on canvas) He watches, judging nothing, accepting things as they are, and in this, finds peace.
"Watching the Spring Rains" (14"x18", Oil on canvas) Mojo (AKA "Mo," "Mo-Mo," "My-Mo-Man," "Mo-seefus") watches the rains wash the winter's snows away. (Color posting of the earlier, B&W under-painting. Mo has these incredible, ice-blue eyes that the B&W just couldn't capture.)
I think the thing I realized the most in my absence about fandom is the fact that it's so damn inbred. People readily settle for formulas that turn into fads that turn into tired old cliches. Long before I was even aware of fandom, I had a fox and red panda character. It's equally a blessing to find kindred spirits, I guess, and frustrating to realize that your ideas aren't quite so original. Nevertheless, I'm not starting a revolution. That's been tried and has failed many times over.
Another con badge from FC. Character © his player, of course.
Something in a different style. It's rather hard to tell how many tails she has, but eh, I just guesstimate five and leave it at that. Art as always is © me.
Hope the color version is finished before AC. If time permits...oh well. Wolfy boy is © me, of course, etc. I need to draw more guys now...
Momma's Li'l Angel. When the li'l equine's not wailing or drooling, I guess. ;) The color version of this will hopefully get done before Anthrocon, but...well, as time permits, I guess.
<May 31, 2002>