<May 26, 2002>
A quickie...just Angel, stopping to pose for a sly shot. >:D Her top-secret self is © me...please don't steal~ And btw, I have a commission up for auction at Furbid. :)
Commercial Arts project - magazine ad of a randomly assigned item. I got... orange juice. So! Here's Spenmeli the husky (she looks more like a fox or cat or hamster or something to me, though) in Prismacolor Markers on cardstock. My Japanese here is terrible- I was in a hurry and only wanted to fool my teacher. ;) Regardless, wouldn't you just *love* a tall glass of orange juice about now? *nudgenudge* :D Spenmeli © me.
Ok, let's try this one more time... *puts on his antique 3Ds*...ahhhh there we go
Jyiis is takin a chill-pill, unfettered by such silly things as school, parents, unrequited love. Gouache. Left purposely unfinished because I figured that feeling obligated to finish it would defeat the purpose. (And other arteestic BS.)
<May 26, 2002>