<May 21, 2002>
For my friend Chris. Okay, so he's no Steve Irwin, but don't we all wanna be like the Croc Hunter at least a little? I know I do. [characters © 2001 by Jen Seng] -- [Apr. 7, 2001]
For my first Bible class mentors. We had a running gag going on about a sheep named "Hezekiah", and so this was a little something from me to them ;) [Hezekiah the sheep, lion © 2000 by Jen Seng] -- [Dec. 2000]
A gift/trade for my buddy Mario, who has given me so many beautiful Spunky pictures of his own! I doubt this compares, but here's one of my renditions of Mago. [Mago © 2001 by Mario Romero] -- [May 09, 2002]
For Chris' sister, Molly Jo. He missed her, so I made a little gift for him for her. One of my 1st pieces ever to be done entirely in Adobe Illustrator! [MoJo © 2001 by Jen Seng] -- [Jun. 7, 2001]
I honestly have no idea where in the world I pulled this one out of. "Use the Force... STUPID!" [Spunky, Obaaawan © 2001 by Jen Seng] -- [Mar. 2001]
You know what game *I* miss?
Elemental Fur #1. Geomancer rat. My version of Chris Hart's earth summoner.
Gryphons at a water-hole.
Computers are cuddly. (Wallpaper)
<May 21, 2002>