<March 11, 2002>
Coyote placing the stars.
Working on a new picture after being proverbally dead for more than 2 months. Here's a cut of part of it in the works.
My half of an art trade (I don't normally do trades!) with the talented Leona! It's a bit of different twist for her character. I was trying for a different pose, and some cool textures. Gouache, Prismacolor pencils, prismacolor markers on bristol board. (Also, I am offering a badge commission at
A CD label I made for Brian as a Christmas/Get Well present after his jaw surgery. From left to right it's Aaron, Mike and Brian's characters.
Another CD label gift, this time for Mike (different Mike than the skunk, obviously) as a part of an art exchange with him. His character and another random Monkey. It turned out so-so in my opinion, but he enjoyed it.
A bit late for Christmas, but I might as well upload it! My character exhibiting my wrapping skills (....or lack thereof).
Sketch of a logo.
A lady feline in a winter cloak -- a colored version of some art I used for my latest creations, nine Adobe Acrobat format pages of "paper miniatures" for use with Ironclaw RPG, on my home page. (Ironclaw © Sanguine Productions, Ltd.) This is from the "Ironclaw Cats" sheet.
<March 11, 2002>