<March 2, 2002>
Curr, frilled lizard shamen of DreamTime muck. Stones tend to balance impossibly around him.
Random warm-up sketch of a bipedal critter
Watercolor/ink commission-in-progress of a large dragon. Actual size of canvas: 18 x 24 inches. This is just a head detail (and all that would fit on the scanner.)
I can hardly believe I didn't upload this one sooner. This is an older colored pencil picture, from 2000. I'm still pretty happy with how the fur texture turned out but the feathers could be _way_ better.
it's cyin again, with her hellbeast messenger.
"Age of Soul" - an older sketchbook pic. i hadn't quite figured out backgrounds yet but i love the idea (and the border!).
cool sketchbook doodle (yes, i have a lot of those) with an unsatisfactory croping job - my friend chopped off its feet!!! i seriously need to get a scanner.
Sitting around listening to the Huntingtons "Songs in the key of you" this morning and I drew this, for no particular reason. I was too lazy to ink it or anything, so...heh. you get a sketchie of Keer ranting. He's © me.
A good friend of mine, my summer sunshine. :)
<March 2, 2002>