<January 21, 2002>
I can't see in your eyes. Can't change it, no more tries. Leave everyone with a smile; there is no rain.
Kokutan, my crow-gryphon character, walking in the void. Painter classic.
Al ironing his pants
My half of a trade with Tallon of her super-cool character Nowanmai! I had a lot of fun coloring this one! This pic was done with Prismacolor markers and colored pencils. Nowanmai © Tallon, 2002.
He's the reigning champ surfer, "The Big Kahuna," on the Islands, but here in So. California, it's a glassy sort of day on the water. So much for catching tbe perfect wave. The Big Kahuna is forced to wait it out in the sun, drinking a smoothie and watching the beach goers. He'll be making an appearance at Further Confusion this week (along with a bunch of his beach-lovin' friends) until the waves start showing some action. See you all there!
Ah Ball point pens, They helped to sketch this lovely kitty out. He is a prussian Blue. In't he adorible? Glacier requested, So Glacier got. Art © Me 2002
"Frog King", marker and colored pencil. Now I only eight hundred ninety SEVEN things left to do before FurCon... grah...
I must be insanely exhausted to upload this... but here goes anyway. A summer feast in a dry land: I wonder what turquoise melon tastes like.
My character during a "Super Hero" style RPG game I was in. She's a robot assasin built by the US government and later reprogrammed by the Heros to be on their side. Of course the government didn't find this amusing...
<January 21, 2002>