<January 16, 2002>
[Okay, trying this again... dunno what's up with Yerf's upload thingy...] A Capricornian (hence his species choice) drummer in two industrial/rock bands, and a downright cool guy that I met at my former job, Glenn. Because I eventually end up drawing all of my most awesome friends as furries, whether they originally were or not. ;)
Air, represented by hawk.
Fire, represented by coyote.
Water, represented by otter.
Hooray for mutts! Yellow Peter (human, gazelle, leopard, blacktail jackrabbit, domestic cat) is an older one of mine that recently got a redesign he's not too sure about. All he needs now is a female cohort that will invariably fall in love with him and a ridiculous-looking sword bigger than he is. Perhaps attached to a gun for double the overcompensation.
Another trip into the land of ink'n markers: A giant cheetah training for the next marathon he's going to participate in. The character is a creation of Rogue. Unfortunately, the scanner didn't scan the shadows in some orange tones while they came out pretty dark in other colors.
I have never had such a busy school year before.. talk abought anxiety.. >_< I can feel the ulcers gnawing away at my innards. :p Birds not quite of.. a feather? Markered from last year too.
One of the pics in the FC art show last year, to be sold as a print this year. ;) Hope to see ya guys there, I'll be tabling with Jonas bagel coon. =D Anywho, this was mostly markered.. colory!
At long last,I'm emerging from Scanner Misery. It's working, but not well... as you can see. <:o/ Inspired by "The Green Man" by Irish pop singer Martin Donelly; painted in acrylics, with coloured pencil background. And YES, I painted each of those leaves... one - at - a - time. *whimper* ~
<January 16, 2002>