<January 10, 2002>
This might end up being some sort of index image for my website, but till then, it's just another addition to the ol' archive. It seems my latest uploads tend to involve my characters either sitting (or in this case kneeling) on chairs. Wonder what it could mean... It's an OMEN!!
A section of a large collage cropped down. The sketch on the left is me holding the rabbit Chris gave me when he visited from Richmond, VA. The inked picture was created after we tried to find a warm dry place to escape the rain in Grand Central. Miss ya, cute bunny. Chris is the creation of Chris Berdoz and Chilly's the fluffy-ball feiiss cute thing.
What's cable?
I was sick with flu. Now I am well again. AND DEVON IS COMING TO VISIT!! YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! (Let's pray that he doesn't get sick too, from staying at my house, ne?) Merf.
Needless to say, I was pleased with the results.
I drew these before I got sick, in a moment of brilliant artistry and inspiration and I worked DARNED hard on them, too.
<January 10, 2002>