<January 8, 2002>
"Yo-yo" - Weee. I'm bored.
From an IronClaw© session
Fox Model (Acrylics)
Moon Gazer (Acrylics)
After this, no 'mo all-nighters for me @_@ A pic of my beloved bunny boy Oscar riding a young Bullhorn Weadertops (Weadertops are among the biggest species, some reaching T-rex-like proportions. Bullhorns average 10-12 feet long, however). The planet's supposed to be Saturnia (sans rings...?), and the odd design represents Colamundi, the protector. Artwork © Nicole Trujillo.
Colamundi ("World Tail"), one of several Saturnian demi-gods under the Cuedow Goddess Aman'theina. Legend has it that this Unidow's massive tail forms the rings around the planet, protecting it from outside intruders. Colamundi © Nicole "I hate all-nighters" Trujillo
A thank you picture for a tape distributor. This is actually quite old- from last summer sometime (never got around to uploading it). Busy with exchanges. =) Cel style-esque coloured Silver and Kahlua, who are both © to me. Yes, Kahlua's eyes look funny. You're not crazy.
I got bored in french class. Real bored. Coloured at home. The bottom-y region of this picture has that snazzy unfinished look to it. :P Where's the back of her neck? Silvie, looking uncharacteristically pouty... © to me. Adieu.
<January 8, 2002>