<December 23, 2001>
more painter smoosh.
As soon as all of the mess in my life gets cleared up (hopefully soon) I'll be working exclusively on backgrounds! *gasp* I have a portrait commission auction if anyone's interested:
BTW, if you're still wondering where I got the feathers for ntbfetha.jpg ...Pic©me. (P.S. It's not supposed to be anyone SPECIFICALLY, though if you find it to resemble your, oops?)
Look out, Mr. Apatosaurus! Mother Nature's playing Ping Pong again! Pic© me. Lookie, free clipart, people!
Ooh, stylized Shadow pic! *cringes from the cruddy backround* I did it AGAIN! Rather than leave it in a nice blank screen like anyone else would, I HAD to add the BK! Stupid me, stupid! Ahh, well...Shadow © me, myself and moi.
Lookie mommy! I twied to do an anthro/'taur like spotted cwicket! It all sketchy an' gween, but I still like it! Inspired from a photo, BTW. Pic©me.
When my brother got married earlier this year, I drew this pic of him and his wife JoLea in furry form. Now the color version is finally done in time for Xmas...hope they like it!
Nebkamet (I decided to drop the "H" in her name...too confusing) lighting some incense in Tree Temple of DOOM(TM) Nebkamet is ©me, no touchie.
Page one... Ginkin Loves we know why. Koi water color on cold press illustration board, cleaned up the edges in photoshop 6.
same as 1, only this time.... I plead the 5th. ...Noooo comment!
Ah the joys of working with a wacom scanner and a screen that is older than the theory of relativity.
A christmas preasent for Kelvin the Lion. :) My favorite little spastic kangaroo actress sporting her hand knitted.. (yes HAND KNITTED) poncho.
<December 23, 2001>