<November 13, 2001>
I'm not sure if I like this one or hate it. (
braite and basalt. that's about it! ill be making more uploads now since i have an FTP program on my good computer rather than having to use my old crappy one to upload lol anyways, i used some random little technique/paper in painter. not sure of i like it or not but whatever! heh. © niki foley
Gift pic for Sidian. This was my first time ever doing a metallic sort of shading. I think I did ok.
I've started working on pidly world-building stuff while riding the bus home from school.. today I played around with the sounds rodents make, and how that'd relate to the carosen. They were originally created with the primary function of handling the merchentile trade of their creators, and while they've moved away from that roll, their culture still reflects that.. and so thus, this little assassin is giving off an accending rattish-sneezy noise that damns his victim to finiacial ruin for his own benifit. Just your general Carosen curseword. I was bored.. probably makes no sense o.O
<November 13, 2001>