<October 31, 2001>
I was trying to toy around a little bit with perspective-- and capturing a real "oh crap" moment in the life of an adventurer >;)
I'm trying to expand my portfolio a little more. Here's one of the efforts. A cheetah girl named Zoopy. Yay.
Here's my Halloween contribution ^^ I loooove holiday themed pictures hehe. i did this pic in painter last night, then i printed it out on transfer paper and made it a shirt which i wore to school today ^_____^ i wanted to be a pumpkin for halloween too, but the only one i could find big enough for me looked stupid :( oh well. lookit! a Devin plushie! © niki foley for good measure.
"Catnap," pencil on paper. This is a live sketch, I did this while at "Wesa-a-geh-ya," animal sanctuary. Its a lion, I got him while sleeping on his paw. He was a beautiful creature. I wish I could have gotten more sketches of all the animals (in spite of my sunburnt fore head). They are a non-profit, and are hurting for help, they are really nice poeple if your interested.
"Legion," 9" x 12" pencil on paper. Maybe a painting, maybe not. I don't know, I was going to do it as a painting but I've kinda lost interest in it. I've got a good visual in my head, but it just doesn't have my usual feeling.
A quick doodlesketch of what my character on FurryMUCK has pretty much turned into :) Whats halloween without some BEANIESKUNK zombie-like fun eh? :)
Happy Halloween folks, don't get too hammered. Done in Painter 6.
"Winter Walk" - A lupine mage looks warily over her shoulder as she makes her way through the forest during the first snowfall. I started this piece between running games at Necronomicon, trying to deviate slightly from my usual method of doing "color" work (which largely consists of drawing something in black and white line art and then "coloring it in"). Markers and colored pencil, with computer touch-up to add in the "snowflakes". (31 Oct 2001)
Tiny BigBlueFox is startled by the nearly-invisible-in-the-dark black wolf-puppy, Koto.
<October 31, 2001>