<October 15, 2001>
Maggie launches herself off a dead tree to find cloudless skies...
The second piece of a two piece commission! Yes, it's another Gylarian, with a human in there for size comparison.
One of my first *successful* pieces in Photoshop. Maggie the gryphon goofs around with some mage lights in the dark. I like night...
One of the very few pieces older than a year that I still like. A dinosaur/bird type hybrid looking around. The crap in the corner is trash. I don't know what the silver thing is either!
Ma head! I was having trouble with doing falcon beaks correctly so I whipped this out with the help of some photo references.
More black cheetahness. Kenket © me :>
The One and Only feline reinterpretation of the infamous 'Herald of Serra' Magic card of the Urza's Saga series. :) <shamelessplug> Original now fur sale on Furbid! </shamelessplug>
I do odd things at 3am.
A Very frightened Asheru. Pencil on recycled paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels. 10 2001
Asheru dodges back. Pencil on recycled paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels. 10 2001
A back shot of Asheru showing marking and costume details. (with a nod to Richard Bartrop on the pose). Pencil on Recycled paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels. 10 2001
It's getting to be towards winter and a characteristic of my Aunt's dog is for it to fluff out and thicken it's coat for Winter. That inspired some thoughts of Asheru's coat in winter. When is it too much? Copic Markers on recycled paper. Scott Ruggels 10 2001
A discussion upon Kyoht's recent Dinosaur pictures, Resulted in DeRaptor posting links to some recent finds of feathered Therapods in China. Pretty conclusive evidence that some Dromeosaurs were feathered. Since Jaggiri are based on them, I geathered one, with mixed results.( I Hope C.S. McNiel Don't see this :-)) Copic Markers, on Manga Board and colored in Photoshop. Scott A. H. Ruggels. 10 2001
blue tablet doodle ^___^ kinda scratchy and mesed up but whatever! I'm not really in a particularly good mood lol i have no idea what inspired this picture *shrugs* Here's Basalt either singing or cheering, pretty much just looking veeeery happy.
green tablet doodle ^___^ I have been having trouble sticking to one "look" for Basalt lately. She either comes out as kind of mellow and mature (the top) or cute and kiddish (the bottom) so i just drew them both hehe
An older pic that I drew of Laban and Monica in what almost were their Drum Major uniforms. We were getting a new teacher and promised the one that was leaving that we would be good...
An older pic of Laban Lion strutting to be "Stayin' Alive".
eehee! *nOogieEs* ..does radd even know he's been added yet? teehee
My direct reaction to Yasser Arafat's attempt to downplay Palestinians dancing in the streets on Bloody Tuesday. For a stronger statement on our war against terrorism, see
Male puma (or cougar, or mountain lion, or whatevaer you wanna call 'em) in an..erm...purple loincloth. Yeah. Lookit der muscles on 'im! An endeavour to make prisma pencils look smooth and un-grainy. It *kind of* worked.
<October 15, 2001>