<October 6, 2001>
This is Blue of the Fornax sisters. Here she is in the intensive care unit after an operation that was barely in time to save her life. Done as an illustration for Matt McCullar's story: "You Don't Believe".
A chakat built and patterned like a cheetah, goes hunting for hir meal armed only with speed and bolas. I'm extremely pleased with this picture. I found this beautiful photo of a cheetah and knew that I *had* to make it into a chakat. I want to show that chakats come in different builds as well as many patterns, and the cheetah has a very distinctive build. It's still not easy turning a natural animal into a taur. Unlike most chakats, this one doesn't have human type hair, so I got to show a very natural looking head. The mane and the spots came out wonderfully. Slightly censored for Yerf.
Chakat Sherlock reaches desperately and futilely for help as shi is being inexorably sucked out of a blown portal in a space station. This was drawn as an illustration for John Plunkett's story: Star Dancer. Unfortunately, I forgot that shi was supposed to be a rather brawny character, and consequently shi's much too lean.
Here's the world-famous superheroine from New Zealand, Super Collie, striking a dramatic pose. I coloured this one in Photoshop and used it for the cover of South Fur Lands #21. I added some text to make it look like a tabloid expose. I had a lot of fun doing this picture. Super Collie is the creation of Terry Knight.
Meredith got a little too caught up in the spirit of the Games, and took on a bit more than she could handle in the weightlifting event. I did this drawing for Mike Russell at Anthrocon 2001. Meredith is a trademark character of Mike Russell.
"Skin Deep," pen and ink on bristol. This is one is six splash pages for the story "Skin Deep," By "2" Griffin. That will be appearing in the Novel "Breaking the Ice, Stories from New Tibet," coming out in January. By SofaWolf Press. ( ) This image is © Sofawolf Press.
"Touch of Grey," pen and ink on bristol. This is one is six splash pages for the story "Touch of Grey," By Jeff Eddy. That will be appearing in the Novel "Breaking the Ice, Stories from New Tibet," coming out in January. By SofaWolf Press. ( ) This image is © Sofawolf Press.
I got to do an art trade with one great artist "Li'l Lady". Sugar is a cool character I still have to finish her in her Swashbuckling pose.....
By now it should be obvious that I don't know a beer mug from a tire iron.
And if I feel like drawing an African Striped Grass Mouse, who are you to judge me?
A happy punk genet girl with a lantern. Yeah. Funness. I might try and sell this one on furbid. image© me.
Devon, I felt really bad for killing your little kitten the other night, so I drew you a picture of her to make you feel happier. image © me.
<October 6, 2001>