<August 17, 2001>
Iona and art © 2001 Arphalia. Markers, ink, and spare time.
Doodled for Gene at AC. You may give me noogies for getting the prints to you so uber late.
You're a mean one.... Mr. Creep....
A watercolor, part of a bigger picture. I've been working on this for about a month. Someday It'll get done.
What? you thought i couldn't draw THIS good? the heck's the matter with you? >=P anyway... I realli liked how she looked when i finished her, but mmmmah, i ultimately prefer her chubby body over this Victoria-Secret-Model-body >=P. Piccy is © Me, Kompy is © mi amorchito Nicole Trujillo. Aaand she's MINE! aaall mine *maniacal laughter*
So Ko-chan sent me a piccy, wanting me to make a BG for it... aaand this dude was created ^-^ who'd thunk it? she asks for a BG, she gets a fanmade character ;3. This be Shoukaki, Scythehorn Weader. © to me, species © to NTB
Jikkyooooo! Oshaberi Parodius!
The Battle Triangle *shrugs*, BTW, his collar is made from Cuedow Noses (which are what WE would call, Nails) which are the badges of honor... like the Predator uses the skulls of each species it hunts down as it's trophies. Shoukaki © to me, Fyre & Lighting © NTB. BTW, I.C.E. is Shoukaki's fighting style... and NO, he doesn't wield Ice nor can make huge Ice pillars emerge from wherever he wants. It's called I.C.E. because with his knowledge in the field of hand-to-hand combat he can Freeze/Stun the opponent's bodyparts, leaving him/her helpless and open for any attack
Remember her? This here is Galexia, my character who lives in the Dream realm and fights evil nightmare dudes! Anyhoo, this one was actually done as a request, from Scott Alston, who wanted to see a recent full bodied pic of this character, so this ones for him! :D I love how this one came out! I changed her design a bit, not by much, tho :) Anyhoo, Galexia here is © to me. Yup :)
Whoo, it's Guido Delpagio! This one was doodled up one day, and I love how it turned out :) I was fooling around with something for the background, it's done with markers... It's...interesting :) I don't know if I like it, but it's...interesting :) There's a combo of pencils in there, too, I beleive :) I loves Guido! Hmmm.. not really much else, so Guido here is © to me :)
This here is Jalil O'Neal, one of my personal favourite characters! I love him -SO- much! He's got hair extensions! Anyhoo, this here is the best drawing that I did of him, and he's kneeling down, well that's really all he's doing. Anyhoo, for some info about him, he likes to wear jewellery (like rings and bracelets) and he's really easy going and cool :) Yup! Anyhoo, Jalil here is © to me. Eyuppers :)
Hey guys! Haven't been here for a while :) Anyhoo, since you last saw me, I've been experimenting with different mediums, one of them being...markers! So this here is a pic of Kriss coloured in markers! I love this one, but I just hate how my markers overlapped...Only really visable on her pants..and...the background. I'm NOT going to comment on that background. I'll just say I don't like it at all 0.o But I still like this piccie lots! Anyhoo, Kriss is © to me, eyup :)
Here he is, Tetiphar, the Egyptian Prince who came to the future to escape his marriage! This is him in some of his egyptian attire, and this one is my personal favourite drawing of him :) The two symbols on his arm bracelets are supposed to be egyptian symbols; the one on the left is an ankh, and I can't remember what the other one is. Hmmm.. I like this one! So..Tetiphar here is © to me. Mmm hmm :)
"Kata Zebra" Early morning kata for a fledging zebra warrior. pencil. 2001- SnowPaws Studios...comments welcome
"Kata Zebra" Early morning kata for a fledging zebra warrior. pencil. 2001- SnowPaws Studios...comments welcome
"Rat Samurai"- felt tip 2001- SnowPaws Studios...comments welcome
<August 17, 2001>