<August 12, 2001>
For those times when you don't feel like you're really there...
My (successful/unsuccessful?) attempt at illustrating 'White Roses' by Information Society, a depressing song that I empathize a little too much with lately. Done in a decidedly... different style than usual. Lyrics © InSoc.
More sketchbook stuff. I've been trying to pull myself out of a slump, and have taken to practicing my basic anatomy and pancil technique. This has been spurred by the recent descovery of Cristian Goss's "The Red Star"- one of the few truly visually inspiring comics I've seen in years...
An illustration of Watts Martin's "Playing the Hero's Role", commissioned for the Belfry archive Photoshop over a pencil sketch
Murphy's Tech Law says "New systems generate new problems." In this case, Murphy's office is littered with them.
And now another-you guessed it-redrawn older craracter pic! Meet Zombra, formally a rodentlike sth-style femme fatale that ruled the Underworld with an iron grip. Now she has a defined species (Pronghorn) and while she doesn't rule Hades anymore, she is still a sickly lookig animated decomposing corpse. And in her former life, she was a pop singer a la Bratney Phears and Crudstina Ifeelterra. Lord Raptor would love her ^_^ Zombra © me
Okay Sheryl, are you happy you mad lynx you! Heh, comic strips after a long time. These are my college strips. Eventually as things progress with my arm and I get ahead in my comic book schedule more new Ebony Tales will come out. Until, enjoy the college years.
More college fun. Side note, it was great meeting all of you yerfers and fans alike at AC this past year, I had a blast (and soo many good looking..uh hum. Anyway). It was nice seeing you all. Arms sorta getting better (therapy soon). Copyright Shawntae Howard 2001
<August 12, 2001>