<July 3, 2001>
Another streetside scribble
One of several doodles drawn while on vacation...this one was sketched while lounging around outside the 40 Watt Club, Athens, second home.
Ink and watercolor sketch done a while back of a hug-craving Sam the Hyena for the fantastical Ms. Ava Jensen. In my mind, it's poorly-done, sickenly-cute, and utterly wrong, but it made her happy... so it was all worth it.
This comic didn't make any sense, maybe because some people didn't get it. It's just plain slap stick.
This is the second of two commissions I've received from Adam Rancilglio detailing a fantasy adventure story he is writing. This image is a black dragon mage character who is rescuing his four friends from a speeding, rusty old toy train. The finished image will be posted on my Commissioned Images Page at - Dragon Mage character: ©2001 Adam Rancilglio
A drawing.. of myself :) My personal photo, which happens to be an ebony pencil rendering done WAY back in highschool. I look pretty much the same now.
A few panels of expirementation, featuring Aubrey and a shadow creature of some sort.
Page #2 of I don't know how many yet.
A tribute to the artwork of Susan Seddon-Boulet, an amazing and inspirational artist.
<July 3, 2001>