<June 4, 2001>
"Fried Tortilla - Yup ... That's Chris for you. He so kookie (heheh! I said kookie!) ... Best not ask about the smashing of the tortilla and the mallet and the hey hey! ... n'glaven ...
Color keyed version of my room sign for Anthrocon. No ether was harmed in the making of this sign.
Someone showed me a couple of NPCs they're making for a MUSH I play on, and I couldn't resist a crack once I saw the descriptions. Garrick (huge, rather stupid horse/cape buffalo fighter in plate mail and army fatigues) and Shria (psychotic troodon monk in a Chinese jacket) belong to Ian's player. Hopefully she doesn't mind me giving Shria a pair of ox-ear swords, but she was too short for anything else I could think of. . .
Sometimes the best scenery isn't *out* through the window...
This should be self-explanitory :) This will be the only reply drawing I'll be able to do, but I really enjoyed the other drawings put up. Thanks to the other Yerf Survivors for being good sports.
these exemplary citizens belong to Steve Martin and Mary Bellamy.
A doodle I made while watching "The Astronaut's Wife." Draw your own conclusions. (Ball point, June 2001)
An incredibly large group drawing I'm working on, featuring 50 characters; mine, friends, fellow furries, (fellow Yerfers Scotty Arsenault and Keith Belcher) etc. Spent just over a week on this thing, and will put a day or so into a background. I'm sorry for the low quality of this upload.. I'll have a hi-res version on for the curious.
Who says you can't shade with a BIC ball-point pen? Just a generic furry guy drawn during a lecture...out of the blue.
One of my more "complete" renders in Illustrator and PhotoShop. The result of a very friendly vixen sitting too close to me.
A singing foxette done on day two of EuroFurence 6. Drawn with my favourite 0.5 mechanical pencil which I keep filled with 2B leads.
Originally, and loosely, based on characters in my friends rpg this started as a B'day gift for a friend and my first real go at texta (that's markers for those of the USA) colouring. It is now a comic (which includes Fhy who isn't in this picture ^_^;) called Gone Astray. All characters depicted are © to moi, Darkhorse.
Heading for the next waterhole: Illaki! One of my favorite characters! He's a black dingo and parks and wildlife ranger. Old Bess (the fish) isn't his usual mount, she's a pack 'mare'and the little grey creature is Nibik, sorta like a cattle doggy thing. The background was worked from a photo of the ranges near here and they *do* look that colour in the mornings They're all © to myself (except the ranges -_^) too.
Inspired by some child's chocolatey finger prints on a lift door near work and the prints of my baby brother still slightly visible on my Grandma's wardrobe after all these years. Sprog means paw in gaelic. If you look closely you can see the names of all three of them in there though the twin's are sorta mangled ^_^.
My alter-ego, Andwyn, a werewolf with the same taste in clothes as me :-) I feel sorry for her cos she has wonky legs in this pic.
This here's my gryphon-daemon, Cernunnos, complete with bad anatomy and messed-up background. Yay! :-P
Isn't he beautiful? :-) Floaty green dragon thing, done with prismacolor pencils and markers, with a nifty border as well.
Just a fox sitting playing a pipe. In his underwear, too :-) I was trying for a vaguely photorealistic look here.
Something I drew two promotions ago; a mongrel canid (myself) ranked at High Blue, nervous about her upcoming test for the rank of the Dragon. The style involved is International Kenpo Karate Jujitsu, of which I happen to be a co-founder. Yay, me. ;P Anyways, this is a digital revisitation of something I doodled at the dojo.
My avatar's non-humanoid--and preferred--form, a wolphyn (raptor/canid chimaera of the griffonic type) of rather mixed lineage, ponders the credibility of terming actions gone awry as "mistakes".
Even for anthropomorphic creatures, I tend to prefer non-human builds such as an elongated torso and digitigrade hindlimbs. This is a skraeling (Viking term for the Native American 'savages') weasel of some sort, clad in a loincloth and carrying a big, ol' spear. How about that? Drawn with a Pigma Micron and one of my last real-media scrawlings (I've become far too attached to "Undo" and "Save" functions).
Something fishy is going on with Jack Salem and BigBlueFox.
<June 4, 2001>