<May 2, 2001>
Yes, kids, listening to nothing but Gorillaz for 2 weeks straight can indeed affect your mental health, not to mention your looks. Well, on the bright side, at least I've uploaded an image for the first time in the last 6 months
Old pic with new meaning. It's offical, Sample Wear is now offically one of the clothing lines of Extinctioners. And its a warning of new art to come (soon hopefully). Artica copyright Shawntae Howard (Come join the club)
Meant to post this sooner n.n%A1. Val and Sam cosplaying as the newest KOF couple K' and Kula (scaaary nicknames some people have for these 2 fighters). Neways, Val and Sam are © their respective owners, pic © to me and outfits... well you know
No upload could be complete without yet another show of my affection ^-^ . Hope this also erases any foolish hopes, a pathetic, as of yet unnamed trio of aliens, using this thing to address Nicole have... i have a VERY short fuse yes... (OH like you wouldn't be upset if someone else hit on your girl) pic © me, i'm hers, she is mine
Someone a lot of ppl are going to like n.n, the Anti-Oscar... she's this 13 yr-old kitty with a 1996 thingy back on her neck...something... that happened... back... in '96 0.o (no, no KOF 96). She's not evil or anything, she just wants to make my life miserable :D, she's © to me... yikes
<May 2, 2001>