<April 30, 2001>
Hamster Baseball, the sport of kings. A somewhat belated THANKS MUCHLY for SueP andJRod, who so nicely drew purdy birthday picture things. Nipcheep © Sue, and the seriously discolored PacRat © Jen Rodriguez. Trias.
A conbook sketch I did of Cindy, from the comic strip "Class Menagerie" ( Character's © Vince Suzukawa (ha ha, I don't have to look it up to spell it right! whee!) It's really bad...I couldn't remember exactly how she looked and made a few mistakes in the character design. :P Oh well. Fixed that in the drawing I did after I got home from the con, but then I didn't like the inking job on that one. Oh well.
What an innocent, sweet li'l kitty! Angel costume courtesy of Acme. Fisk is © himself. Chibi-izing friends is fun! Wahahahaa. ;9
Here's the other Class Menagerie drawing I did...I don't like the inking on this one and when I get the initiative to hook up my scanner again I'll put up the color version. Color looks a lot better. :P Cindy again is © Vince Suzukawa, and the pic's © me. This pretty much sums up the way we met at CF12.
<April 30, 2001>