<April 1, 2001>
Image done for a very batty friend. Ink and markers. Art © myself. Desmoderin © his creator.
Friend Wendy had a birthday recently. I was delayed, but finally finished this morphed personae of her while knitting. Art ©2001 me as usual.
A jackal in plaid pants.. I used to have a pair of pajama bottoms like that.
What's Anubis got that Set don't got?
Presenting Miss Esmerelda Braithwaite, a beta-software tester at ELB Industries. Little do her colleagues know that this seemingly unremarkable lady is in fact New Zealand's prettiest super-hero - Super Collie! © Terry Knight
Super Collie goes Oriental with a martial arts flying kick! (Yes, those are genuine Japanese katakana characters!) Super Collie © Terry Knight, John Plunkett
Look! Out in the pasture! Is it a bird? Is is a sheep? Is it the New Zealand Army on manoevers? It's... "Super Collie"! Faster than a speeding farmbike! More powerful than "Federated Farmers"! Able to muster whole flocks in a single bound! Rounding up wrongdoers and putting them through the sheepdip of justice! Super Collie © Terry Knight, John Plunkett
Heyas... it's been a while. :) This is a cockroach telling stories around the campfire... long story behind this pic, but basically it's a promo piece I'm working on for Feral. If you do not know what Feral is, RUN to and check it out. That is all. :)
It's been a long time since I've posted any painted peacock feathers! Seeing Brian's recent *gorgeous* fox paintings prompted me to trot this one out...a white wolf, with ice-blue eyes. Acrylic painting on actual wing feather~~an art form I've been doing for about 12 years now.
Eferii The SHADOW CAT....Hey I'm just trying to get y'alls curosity up! It killed the cat y'know. or was it that silly mad scientist? you'll have to read the comic and find out! It will be up by april 20th I promise ya that!
Page 5, the harlaquinn fights Azriel. :)
Page 6, Now Digo takes on this intruder. Wow this person is good, can Victor succeed?
Some Lexx characters. I think that I did a good job at catching the attitudes of the characters. What do you think?
Some more Lexx. Just playing around :) It's Zev and Stan. Tee-Hee :P
My favorite character of my imaginary world. Once again Cajun. This time running from someone. He didn't kill anyone he just has a bad habit of biting his lip. Done in photoshop :)
<April 1, 2001>