<March 28, 2001>
those wacky daemon mutts are at it again...silly sketch and my bad handwriting put to somewhat-decent use
allright, allright..I'll upload it already. This was an illustration done sometime last year for Mr. Jeff Rogers for a story of his in a recent issue of 'Anthrolations.' i'm glad he enjoyed the drawing...because i still haven't quite warmed up to it. ;}
A coupe, interesting thoughts on the nature of Anthros. What happens when a 'prey species' becomes an equal? And what happens when it's the obnoxious drunk that carries the che-spray? Lot of deep thoughs for a silly little doodle. ;D
Vicki Fox and Jazz stroll through the Southern Pecan Festival, only to be bombarded from above by Ricky G. Thank goodness for period parasols with pecan-pelting protection! Vickie is © Mike Russell, Jazz and Ricky G are © me. Done on commission.
Commission for Mike Russell: Vicki Fox in the women's volleyball tournament at the 2000 Auzzie Olympics. A classical animation cel (Real materials too!) over a waterclored background. Vicki is copyrighted to Mike Russell
A quick sketch of MIRC's Orcinus Orca in full photoshopped color. A free sketch for him while hanging at a furry gather in Edmonton, AB.
A more recent picture of my FurryMUCK alter-ego. Platinum the cybernetic fox. © me of course!
Here's a spiffy, happy belated birthday picture for fellow Yerf artist, Tuesday! Keep up the great artwork! :o) - (Tuesday: ©2001 Julie Schroeder).
Anthro KK, in a style inspired by Aimee Major. (If you really couldn't tell...and I hope that's ok Aimee!) Unfortunatley, I don't have any Tria markers. ;(
More drawing's while at work. @Whee! Um, I like the anatomy, esspically the hands, since I am particulary not too good with those.
Just a doodle of a wolf, but let me tell you, this wolf knows, man, I mean he's down with the spiff! He's hip to the sly! (unlike the artist :P )
I'm doing Flash animations, and I think I'm pretty good at it too. =) This is my second animation, Moe Rocks! Comments wanted! ! the Flash program rocks and sucks at the same time. :S
Bonnie blowing in the wind :) This is a static version of my animated homepage at
Here's a rendering of an older drawing of Leddinger.
It's not April yet, but my characters don't really care ^_^ Hey, I'm uploading something new, yay. Comments on my latest art please! Here's Digo getting pounced by his friend Azriel. She's mean ^_~
I don't think Digo's ever gonna nap up in trees anymore thanks to Azzy. Heh, she certainly enjoys her little joke. Digo on the other hand... ^_~
My half of a trade with the super keen Pseudo-Manitou. Character his. Artwork, mine. And as for the subject matter? A fine example of my youthful depravity.
<March 28, 2001>