<March 18, 2001>
I hereby give the student body at Brown University in Boston a big fat gold star for political-correctness hypersensitivity and an A plus for intimidation by mob rule--- and a big, greasy stinking F in freedom of press.
"Gingercat" - Based off of an animal anatomy book I have. I'm quite pleased. Taksy has a horn and antler fetich ... I'm guessing. Yup.
An experiment in facial emotion. No photo reference, obviously.
Here's more practice with color pencils, doing my characters in a more realistic style. This time it's Catrina "Vague" Fela. It's sorta incomplete because I couldn't think of just what to have her sitting one. BTW Extinctioners #8 is now out, and anyone trying to e-mail my hotmail account, take note, I can't seem to reply at the moment. Vague is copyright Shawntae Howard 2001.
A slightly early birthday present for Lonnie, who deserves much more. Heh. This proves you can have fun with a few markers, a white pencil crayon, and a piece of cardboard.
I liked how Dalia's image came out, so I figured I'd give the cardboard another whack.
<March 18, 2001>