<March 5, 2001>
Here is an illustration for a story I'm working on for Ken Fletcher's SPON-TOON fanzine. For more info, you can contatct Ken at: [email protected]
A kit fox in a garden. To-be-colored as soon as I get the time.
This is the completed cover for Extinctioners issue 9 with digital coloring provided by Shane Fisher and art by yours truly. If everything in my life runs smoothly this will actually make it's April release date (1/4 complete). Also, my webpage has received a slight update and Club Extinctioners on Yahoo thrives. Image copyright Shawntae Howard 2001 (take it as see I don't personally kick you @$$).
Quick picture of my namesake character; Kubo. It's old & fan art-ish so therefore pretty subject to change..
<March 5, 2001>