<February 25, 2001>
Commission for Amy Fennell of a pair of 'Lodestone cats,' her newest critters.
And now, my half of the art trade, though my scanner absolutely slaughtered it. Flesh Mechanic belongs to Briona Campbell. Bugs are cool. :}
An unfinished character design of... my sexiest character ever! Don't you just want to smooch her? Alati (Ah-lah-tee) is your friendly neighborhood anthropomorphic catapillar.
The lovely Harriet from FurryMuck/Furtoonia/SPR.
A pic for Accipiter. (Samuel J...His art is here on Yerf.) I tried to get some fur detailing in there, and a bit of failed lighting (It could have had more contrast). I like it overall though. <is happy>
Super early V-day pic i did... and just decided to upload it cuz... i have nothing right now n.n' . Everyone depicted there © Nicole Trujillo, pic © to me
Another one, inked/shaded version looks clasier though...© Oscar Navarro
And if Ko-chan and I got drunk...?...yyyyyyyeah, maybe this'd come out... n.n'. Haruna © Nicole Trujillo and me. Pic © Oscar Navarro
Twodee playing Capcom Vs SNK on her DC late at night... © Oscar Navarro
Training to shape-shift accordingly... Malcolm and me © Nicole Trujillo, pic © to me though
This one is probably a bit more grim than I'd've hoped. This is Bouchon Envaleur, who takes his job as Judicial Champion seriously. His job is to fight those sentenced to trial-by-combat. It takes a certain kind of guy to believe in that kinda thing...
Gregor and Kitaro, two cats who are brothers, unlike Seigfried and Roy. Not only did I have to work to capture the animation of juggling, this picture is modeled after one by Chris Goodwin. And it has cravats. Oof. Well, the fun is in trying to draw new things... ^.^
I must've drawn at least eight tigers before this one. The hard part is getting the bridge of the nose right. Some species have very flat faces. For Lerigot here, I wanted to capture the casual disdain that is attributed to the great cats, the kind of "Yeah, I could tear your head off, but I really can't be bothered right now."
Previous picture of Something, now in Photoshop. Meow.
Just another trenchcoat clad wolf.
This is a pic I did for my art class. It's a scene in a story that I'm planning to write some day. Finally, the true story about Flame, whose name will be changed eventually. She's running away from her family in this scene, and her brother's watching her go. No, it's not s'posed to resemble the pic that Tracy Butler did of her character Cassy, although I really admire her work! Anyway, enjoy, of course the pic looks hundreds of times better in real life, but that can't be helped, I guess.
My half of an art trade with the very talented Ms Cara Mitten +_=
<February 25, 2001>