<January 15, 2001>
The last I'll post on the Cop Show thread. This is in response to Pat, and Emilie's appropriation of Mary Minch's Mouse during that craziness. MaryMouse is © Mary Minch. The rest is mine. (California Injoke enclosed) Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 1 / 2000
Joycelyn Dunn wrote:, "I could really use an M-79, explosive rounds, and some C4 right about now..." A little late on my end, but more than happy to oblige, This is a response to a picture she posted on 11/20/2000. Folks, here's a tip. If you are suffering from artists block, draw someone else characters. Charactrers © Joycelyn Dunn. Pencil on Paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 1 / 2000
"Merwolf is © the poor sods in Mrs. Wesley's family studies class. Later on in that class, they gave Merwolf wings, and the creature committed suicide shortly thereafter. Police investigations lead to conjecture that it may have been a result of pilot error, or responding to reflections in the glass of the office windows. Further investigation continues." Apologies to Miss Fennel, btu I was bored. pencil on paper Scott A. H. Ruggels 1 / 2001
Well I thought this wasa cute pic. Candy Cat and Sly the Mag go on a fishing trip, both have different thoughts on how one fishes however... :)
Cybre again!!! © Heather Wasneuski, 2001.
Yeah! This was fun! It's been ages since I've drawn a gargoyle. This is a very old character of mine named Enigma... I'm gonna have to color this. Enigma © Heather Wasneuski, 2001.
There are a dozen things wrong in this picture but I'm way to lazy to fix them right now :P I'm pleased with how her face came out anyway... I'll color this someday. © Heather Wasneuski, 2001.
Here's a pic of Scarlet and Erica Starfox's parents, Travas Theodore Starfox Sr. and Victoria Starfox. Both copyright Shawntae Howard 2001.
Here's a pic Redford "Red" Firefox's father, Rusty Redford Firefox. His mother died as a cub and his father had to raise him alone. Copyright Shawntae Howard 2001.
The second in what will probably be a series of "name those critters" pictures. Since people were able to guess what the other mystery animals I put up were, what are these? Done in Flash. Sorry for the very cheesy background, but I guess it's better than nothing. Person who sucessfully names the critters wins bragging rights :)
Another species line-up picture. This one wasn't as hard to do as the weasel one, because I wasn't trying to do *every* species and could choose ones I had good reference on. Done in markers and colored pencil. Scan by Ron Johnson.
A species line-up picture. The second of 3 pictures illustrating all the species of mustelids. This one was a bitch and a half to do; I couldn't find color photos of a lot of these animals, and had to make do with B&W pictures or bad illos in foreign field guides. From 1996. Done in markers and colored pencil. Scan by Ron Johnson.
One thing's fer sure, Mary Minch is just too stigg'n nice for her own good =) I think somebody needs to pull a prank on her.. hmm.. let's see.. A little bit of maple syrup-- and a whole lot of super fantastimo quick-dry superglue! Yup, that'll do it, perfect! tee-hee :) Mary Mouse © Mary Minch
Silver! Woo, back to doing watercolors, and this was one that I held a poll to do, my only Silver cyantian Fox. :) Ebay:543446397
No snails were harmed in this comic strip (The harm happens in the next panel).
A poster for my Comic Book, "The Crux" I hope you like. ;)
It's Mellyora again, with her floating magic crystal. Image done in Adobe Photoshop.
<January 15, 2001>