<December 16, 2000>
Here are a couple of cute snow-bunny sisters, out enjoying a nice winter's day. :)
more ink stuff
Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday of your choice from Dalia and Skorzy. The angel rat at the top is my lil fat rat April who passed away 24 hours after Brenda's Zip. I'm sure the two of them are having a grand time in Ratty heaven squabbling over dog biscuits and the like.
The Christmas season brings Christmas concerts, performed by some very dedicated musicians. Like this one?
Alright everybody move along now, nothing to see here... yet u.u' . Abraham B.C. (Abe) is © himself, Chikako and Leon (as well as artwork n pic) is © Me ... wonder if Cosplaying pics are allowed... >=D nyuk nyuk nyuk
I was painting a kitty cat on a rock for my grandma's christmas present, and I had some paint left over, so.... Generic portrait of Erin on canvasette © me.
"In your eyes I see a darkness that torments you, and in your mind where it dwells, I'd give you my hand if you'd reach out and grab it..."--The Juliana Theory (rocks.) It seems to me that I'm currently clinging to a stupid notion in my mind, and it's name is Xheotris. Give it up, Twapska, the dream is over. Chars. © me.
Drawn more for the purpose of the clothing design than the actual characters featured here... Just a few things I'm currently working on irl.
<December 16, 2000>