<November 27, 2000>
StarDust lookin awefully content to be going to school. I wish i looked that happy going to school. heh. She's (C)ME!
SapphireWulf lookin sleepy. Yea, this is based off of real life, as I do have that jersey, and sleep in it. ;) Will color eventually.
"I am a story teller." I was given 3 sheets of cheap construction paper, a 'zacto blade, and a can `o rubber cement and told to do a self portrait based on one sentance for my 214 graphic arts class. Old old old, but kinda nifty. :)
I really like the way this turned out. Devil cat Moira is © Melinda Best
Another pic LONG overdue...This is for Kylee - a thank you for drawing my character (a year or so ago!) Kylee is © his player. I tried to not use black outlines in this, but weenied out and added them later to tighten up the drawing. Another sad note - I posed for this drawing in the mirror.
A pic LONG overdue...This is for TerrieKitten - a thank you for drawing my character (a year or so ago!) TerrieKitten is © Boris Chwosta. Done in ink and Prismacolor Markers
"Scoop The Bear" Another piece of artwork based on a fur I met while at MWFF! 2000- Ocelot Studios
"Yukon Husky" Next in a series of artwork based on furs I met while at MWFF! 2000- Ocelot Studios
<November 27, 2000>