<November 18, 2000>
"Negirah of Namib" - Daddy got me new colored pencils. I'm so spoiled. For sale on Furbid, I guess. And © me.
We're going to enter the Squad Five-0 look alike contest. Not really. But that would be cool, wouldn't it? Even if it is a crappy photograph... And don't anybody say that Twap looks like Ciaran with her hair that color, because they don't look ANYthing alike. That's our story and we're sticking to it. Characters with their headfur dyed blackish © me.
This one is purty! I like it a lot, and Twap doesn't look too bad in brown pants.. (I was trying to conserve my pitifully short black pencil). I should probably also mention that I spent a week agonising over the color of the shoes before deciding to go with the generic red. I did get to draw my nifty checkered shoelace, though. Twap, jumping around while playing bass guitar © me.
<November 18, 2000>