<November 11, 2000>
Generic, cute, toony mouse-girl.
It's a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest gal I know. Happy Armistice Day.
I haven't had artist block for almost a year, I can do neat new sketches daily, and I even have some variety; I just haven't done anything for Yerf. :( sorry. Fat fairy is just one of my random acts of insanity, and so is the hairy one. I decided to use them for my reflections picture. the theme was "It would be really strange if ..." If.. what? Dunno, haven't figured that part out yet. Just Enjoy :)
It's weird to say "Happy" Veteran's Day.
Eeep. Posted this without asking first. Hope you aren't mad, Brenda! (Ms. DiAntonis sent me a very nice e-mail, which gave me an excuse to do a completely inadequate pencil sketchy. XianJaguar is © herself. :> )
Happy Armistice Day.
My best friend as a fox...Considering that this was drawn mostly from memory + some really crappy pictures from last summer... I just thought I'd post the sketch before I go and ruin it by trying to ink + color it. Gabe is © himself.
Something disturbing: I just realized that twap is kind of built like Adam DeBolt, who is this creepy bass-player that I know... This is what came out of a rather weird comic-planning session. Yikes. Twap, as a rebellious teenager is © me. And no, I do not know WHY she's banging pan lids together. Just angst, I guess.
How the band probably started up again. Obviously, there wasn't the time or space availible for Apollo to set up his drum set for this little impromptu jam session. So he had to play the little hand-bongos. Characters © me, except for Apollo, but I'm allowed to use him, even though I'm not speaking to Alex right now...uh huh.
It has occurred to me that, in the event that Apollo and Twap DID start pounding each other, Apollo might be rather outnimbered. I mean, even if Snitter turns pacifist, Erin and Xe are far more likely to side with the Twapska... Just some thoughts. © me.
Done on commission. Brother, and sister vampire fighters? Humm I wonder. Looks like they are ready though. :) Adair, and Arandis © by Kathris aka Eric Kern.. Art © 2000 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
<November 11, 2000>