<November 5, 2000>
A desperate attempt to going back to cell colouring on my part, but the smudge tool got the better of me. <:)
*Whew* This is an old one... I still kinda like it so I thought I'd post it. Ferra © Heather Wasneuski, 2000.
And yet another bout of random furryness... A fox maiden waiting for her love to return to her... © Heather Wasneuski
*crawls out from under rock* I'm back! It's been a while since I uploaded something... yes Eric and Kerry, I know you are nodding your heads right now! My appologies to all those I owe commissions too... I am slowly plugging away at them. Thanks for your paitience. Art/character © Heather Wasneuski
A random furry sketch. She's a nameless red panda. I hope to color this someday... © Heather Wasneuski, 2000.
My half for a long-overdue pic trade with Katarina Lium of...well...Katarina Lium. She's (C) her and pic's mine.
I meant to eventually draw a body--but I'm a lazy, lazy man.
Mili and David. Break out the grape juice, something good just happened (presumably).
Fox and skunk at the shore. It goes on forever until you get back to where you are now.
<November 5, 2000>