<October 30, 2000>
Been busy making a PS2 game so 12 hour days are the norm. Spare time is inking some stuff for Roz, and re-enactments, But i did have time to squeeze this in. Your Serve Cara :-) Happy Halloween. Pilot precise on recycled paper & photoshop lettering and bordering. Scott A. H. Ruggels 8 / 2000
"Fire In The Sky" The characters illustrated are the gods of Korknack (my little made up world). Left ot right: Takuchikun (god of death and evil things), Blizzard (Goddess of magic and the 'Mother' Furry Dragon) and Achiak (Goddess of life and creator of life). Sunset was drawn loosely from a reference and overall I'm pleased with how this pic turned out (save Blizzard's tail...I dunno what I was doing at that point) The clouds, could've been better too. Korknack and it's gods belong to me ^^
<October 30, 2000>