<October 20, 2000>
I think he's WAY to happy to be running.
StarDust. More sketches that I may color someday. :) Wow, my descriptions are horrible. I'm braindead, sorry.
Well, here's something I don't draw all that often! A rough sketch of a dino colored in PShop. She's a velociraptor-spinosaur mix...odd, ne? Saiketsu © me (methinks I have one too many chars...don't you?)
I'm back! This is my first full color picture in months. Skorzy titled her "Dancing in the Ruins" after an old Blue Oyster Cult song. She's done with Prismacolor markers and pencils and will be for sale at Midwest Furfest. Enjoy!
The previous pic made it difficult to see the detail, so here's a close-up. :o)
The previous pic made it difficult to see the detail, so here's a close-up. :o)
<October 20, 2000>