<October 2, 2000>
a duck, woohah
This one of my many drawing based on pictures of models. yeah, it gets boring fast. I need a new style.
A commission for Thomas Soerensen. This is my first attempt at a bat... does it look okay? Character © Thomas Soerensen, 2000.
One of my few pieces of personal art and in the peculiar class of 'business-themed art' that I've done. "Management Versus Leadership: An Allegory." As a manager you must decide whether to lead with human touch, or to direct with chains of imposed authority.
I'm not really sure what to say about this one! I guess I just got fed up when I'd hit someone (playfully, I swear!) and they'd go, "That didn't tickle!" It gets rather annoying after a little while. :) This pic done with cheapo-markers and a prismacolor white. I think it turned out rather well. ^.^ But anyways, (C) me, and stuff. No stealing now! ;) -Oh, and as a side note... some people have told me that they were actually -disturbed- by this picture. If that's the case for you, I'm sorry! >:)
<October 2, 2000>